The Fairies Oracle


I’ve really had very little to do with my Fairies Oracle, I hate to admit. The Fairies probably aren’t too pleased with me! lol The deck, by Brian Froud, is absolutely gorgeous, and haunting. At the time of receiving them as a present, I was more interested in the artwork to study, towards my sculpture  learning; not necessarily to read with- isn’t that awful?! It wasn’t until joining Aecletic Tarot Forum, and seeing the strong following and interesting posts around this deck, that I started to get intrigued. So today, I thought it was time that the Fairies saw the Light of Day. I was thrilled to see the Green Woman…I have always identified with the Green Man and a have a few pieces of art of both.

The keywords in the book are “Wildness. Natural magic. Expectant gratitude. Untrammeled creativity.”

“The Green Woman reminds us that where the ground is fertile, something will grow. She also reminds us to count our blessings and deal with our difficulties.” It went on to talk about making the best of what comes to us, showing patience and perseverance in adversity.

This is also “a time for enhancing the growth of our talents and abilities, a time of blossoming that will bear fruit. She also reminds us of material reward ahead, the harvest of the seeds we have planted and nurtured.”

I could identify with this draw on many levels; of nurturing my creative ideas and giving them a place to grow. Also the bit about patience, and perseverence in the face of adversity! The Green Woman also talks about breaking out of the mold and letting your Spirit takes chances and follow that inner calling. As I work on a creative project that has yet to be birthed, this helped me alot, and reassured me that I should stay the course and follow through this time 🙂

Looking strictly at the artwork of the Green Woman, I had to smile. She’s sticking her tongue out at me! It’s as though she’s saying to me “lighten up! have some fun! don’t be so serious! let your wild side come out and play….” I have been 🙂 but I take the message – I need to continue! lol

This is a beautiful deck- one I will earnestly start working with! Stay tuned..  🙂