Kipper draw- A Journey, Gain/Win/lots of money/Rich Good Lord


This draw was done at the same time as a lenormand draw, featured on my sister blog “The Lenormand Oracle” that reflected the same message.

I don’t know if anyone else out there in cyberspace does a series of draws with different systems, but I’ve found it fascinating to see how all the different decks will present a Theme for the day….different little pieces of the puzzle!

I kept staring at A Journey and Lots of Money when I finally realized that it represented a money transfer! lol Money literally taking a journey 🙂 facilitated by the Rich Good Lord.

This is a gent in another country, who we’ve been waiting for his funds to clear. They finally have. We found out that money is to be transferred on Monday.

I’m just tickled pink to see that a string of dailies are popping off the page and happening quickly; sometimes they take much longer than I would like.

Lenormand Arlo and the Gypsy cards-


I had mentioned in a reading using the Gypsy cards on The Card Lover, that I would receive a gift that would bring unexpected joy. I didn’t believe it at the time, to be honest 🙂 mainly because I couldn’t think of anyone or anything.

The next day I got the really unexpected joy of finding out that a friend of mine had ordered something to be sent to me, but I didn’t know what. She gifted me with my very own copy of the Lenormand Arlo deck! To say I am tickled pink would be putting it mildly. I just love the illustrations on this simple, traditional deck.

Arlo and his wife Christine, are the wonderful team behind Lavengro. Be sure to check out their other unique items.

I will be featuring this wonderful deck regularly ~ I love it so much that I’m being exclusive with it, lol, I don’t want anyone else fiddling with it!

Fox – Rider – Bouquet:

The Rider/Bouquet combination heralds wonderful news! The Fox card, for me, has to do with work/employment. I grinned when I saw these and crossed my fingers, that we would finally be receiving the happy news we’ve been waiting for .

I drew these Wednesday morning, I think, just before I sprained my ankle……only a few minutes ago I  actually received the news: the bank has cleared the funds and they should be transferred on Monday! so being in limbo is about to come to an end! hooray! Work is going to begin in earnest, next week.

The cards have been insisting that good changes were on the horizon, sometimes it’s just hard to be patient 🙂

On Oct 14th (2 days ago) I drew these cards with the Gypsy deck:


I remember laughing and saying to my husband that it looked like I was going to be the one to receive the good news! That statement seemed pretty unlikely since I rarely get to the phone before my husband does! seriously-

This morning, he headed out to the local bakery to pick up a freshly baked loaf of Raisin bread (yumm). While he was out, sure enough the phone rang and I was the one to get the message from our business partner that the money was on the way! I never pick up the phone!! it just cracks me up that the Gypsy cards foretold that I would be sitting in the office at the computer just when he would call….amazing!

Oh ohh, here I go again!


I’ve had an unexpected absence…one that only cryptically showed up in any of my card systems, surprisingly!

I had the Queen of Pentacles and the 4 of Swords in a recent celtic spread but didn’t take the hint.

A couple of days ago, as I was walking from the hallway to the family room, I made a misstep on the small riser and went flying through the air into the family room. My ankle completely gave way and I spent an agonising 1/2 hour curled up on the floor with my husband giving me Reiki. My dreams had shown me being out of commission (actually in the hospital!) but luckily, I seem to be managing with it wrapped and walking carefully with a cane. When you push too hard, and don’t take time to rest and nurture yourself, the Universe will slow you down one way or another! I didn’t take heed to the warning and am paying the consequences 🙂 oh well. On to a post about cards! ~Spiritsong

Mystical Kipper


Well, this is pretty self explanatory…especially since we are neck deep in legal issues. Something good is about to happen around this quagmire!

I am so ready to see this chapter close…. the combination of the first two (23-25) has the meaning of
“a judicial success”.

The second two (25-17) represents “an honor – about which one is much pleased.”

Something good is in the works…the cards have been right way too much for me to doubt them now.

Gypsy Cards~


This was a draw that I jotted down in my notebook on September 29th. I remember teasing my husband, asking him if he was going to surprise me with a gift, which was unlikely because of financial restrictions at the moment. I remember thinking, humph! fat chance! LOL and dismissed the draw.

Then, literally 2 days later I was totally shocked and surprised to discover that a thoughtful friend had sent me a gift!! Totally out of the blue, from the  least likely person I would guess and it definitely brought me Unexpected Joy.

The gift hasn’t arrived in the mail yet, but I was fascinated that the Gypsy cards had picked up on the kindness that was about to be bestowed upon me! I will update when the gift arrives 🙂

Keeping a journal certainly helps seeing how the cards work.


Tea Leaf Fortune cards~


What a surprise! I was expecting something like “patience” or “challenges” ! lol

I had asked what I could expect in the next 7 days?

The Leg indicates that I will be stepping into a new experience in the timeframe shown.

The Candle glows in the darkness, surrounded by a ring of lilies. The Lilies represent Spiritual Love while the candle reassures that I will be shown the way.

Coins is a wonderful surprise 🙂 Good fortune is in store; it shows that money is coming to me.

Carrot represents a windfall or a new opportunity. It’s being plucked from the garden, ready to harvest and enjoy. This windfall or opportunity presents itself with little or no effort on my part….

So what a promising and cool week to come! I’m keeping my fingers crossed on this one.

Pages of Shustah –

Red 1 DeathGreen 11 Playful PageGreen 3 Unicorn

DeathPlayful PageUnicorn

This morning I thought I would share a draw from the Pages of Shustah deck. The drawings always remind me of wood cut blocks that you then roll ink onto and print. They are beautiful.

I was very intrigued to see what I drew, as they showed graphically something that I am experimenting with. I have begun working in earnest with a method taught by a Meg Blackburn Losey, who is very accomplished in the Spiritual/New Age field. She is an energetic healer, and channels Higher Beings, and a successful author of two books.

She started out experimenting with movement and sound, and discovered that she was able to access Gamma waves within her brain. The continued use of movement and music, combined with sensing subtle energy, opened her up to seeing in other dimensions and working with the Masters.

I have, in the past worked with her method, called “Movement to Spirit”- but stopped when I started affecting everything electrical around me! Computers went haywire, electronic doors at the grocery store would misfunction, and wristwatches became unusable.

Now, I’ve been prompted to work again with her method, but using music composed with the Solfeggio frequencies; and I must admit, it was immediately powerful.

So back to the cards!:

I drew Death, which shows a major change or a transformation occuring.

I then have the Playful Page, and what really caught my eye is that he/she looks like they are dancing and moving the energy in a balanced flow. Look at the smile! This movement to Spirit feels really good!

And what comes from doing this exercise? the Unicorn, which represents the subtle energies.

I immediately got the message from the Shustah to continue working with this method as I will have major changes in my awareness of the subtle energy fields. I plan on honoring this message! lol

I’m back to meditating regularly and focusing on my Spiritual path.

*note- later in the day, I came across a post on Kaph’s Shustah blog about the Unicorn, in which he wrote:

“Specifically, The unicorn can indicate a loss of control over a situation, or it may reveal an situation that is outside of the individual’s control or sphere of influence.  The Unicorn is always a warning that focused attention is needed at this time in the area influenced by this card.

The Unicorn can also indicate a lack of focus, and failure to “follow through” on a situation.  In other words, the individual is scattering his or her energies.”

I identify with the advice/warning that focused attention is needed, and to be sure to follow through…..that definitely speaks to me as well…..I can have that transformation as long as I stay committed and continue with it.

Check out Meg’s website here.

Learn more about the Solfeggio frequencies at Dr. Len Horowitz’s site – he is the one who rediscovered them; or by checking out YouTube videos here.

Check out this wonderful work!!!

I wanted to bring to your attention the work of a very talented artist. He is a member of another cartomancy forum that I frequent and I’m continually inspired by his work.

He has just created a very simple, but elegant Lenormand deck that I thought you might be interested in. It’s called the Lenormand Arlo. 






Arlo has also made an array of absolutely breathtaking boxes for your tarot and oracle card collections.

Here is an example:



As soon as I am in funds, I plan on obtaining a deck and one of his gorgeous boxes 🙂

Check out his and his wife’s Etsy store here.


23 Court9 A Change15 Love and Friendship

The day in court came and went, with the Cult lady appearing with a new lawyer. She was supposedly demure and polite (ha!) Her lawyer ate plenty of humble pie, and managed to keep his client out of jail for contempt….for the moment. The Judge ordered her to appear for a debtor’s exam that she avoided for a year; something that she is desperate not to face. The meeting is for next week.

Every single reading or draw that I have done that relates to this drama, continuously shows an agreement being made.

Here we have Court (or legal situation) and a Change, leading to Love and Friendship. Now we will never be friends! lol but this card shows up a lot for me to denote agreements being made. These cards, once again seem to infer that there will be a change in stance over this legal dispute and that something will be hammered out.

When it comes to this situation, my “daily” draws have turned into theme draws or showing me what I most need to know, rather than what’s going to happen on that day. My Higher Self is trying to reassure me, I think!

(This used to happen before hubby and I came together as a couple – they would consistently show me that we would come together, even though the opposite looked more likely; so I know better than to doubt the cards!)

It’s staying patient and trusting that’s the hard part.