The Witches Tarot~

I’ve been sick sick sick!! Crikey! I can’t remember the last time I got the really bad cold/flu…obviously my immune system hasn’t totally bounced back from my hospital adventure 😦  — so I’m off and on with posts at the moment, sorry.

I drew 3 cards from The Witches Tarot, and was completely surprised by what I drew:


Traditionally, I would say that the 10 of cups, the Sun, & the Empress represented Success, reaping the rewards and emotional satisfaction. With the Witches Tarot, some of the artwork is very different. With the 10 of cups she sees a rose in her crystal ball, and she’s manifested one on the table! What you can conceive you can achieve 🙂

There is great satisfaction (especially for me!) in having seen something while it’s still unmanifest in the physical, and then have it appear.

The Sun card is very different too. It shows a coming together of opposites, male/female, conscious/unconscious etc. but what struck me the most was that these 2 people were just about to shake hands in an agreement. This seemed very important to me. I am hoping that this might relate to coming to an agreement in legal terms, but we shall see.

The Empress represents fruitful abundance, fertility and motherhood, emotional
support, security and joy, and prosperity.

Something really great is going to happen 🙂 I hope that I get well enough to enjoy it when it comes…..

The Witches Tarot~

I decided to explore my Witches Tarot deck, which hasn’t seen the light of day in quite a few years! yikes! What struck me immediately was how different these 2 cards were.

The Seeker, looks to me that he has been on a long journey, and has finally made it up to a point where he can clearly see what is ahead of him. The wind blows forward…urging him on to the next stage of his journey; and there is something higher than him, that he is looking up to.

The 6 of Pentacles is very different than the Rider Waite deck; here we have a feast of plenty, and celebrating! In the LWB it says it denotes Prosperity, Healing, financial balance. A time of rejoicing and comfort to me…..

So these 2 cards want to say to me that the tough road that I’ve been on, has come to an end. There is a brighter future ahead, in the next phase of my life, where financial and emotional prosperity awaits.

This is not what I would have gleaned for a meaning traditionally! but it fits and it just popped out at me 🙂 So this was an interesting exercise, weaving stories strictly from the artwork and letting it flow- I can see that this is a great thing to do, and alot of fun! lol