Tea Leaf reading

I know that I haven’t  been sharing other card decks recently, and I apologise, I will try to post other oracle decks too. Time has been very scarce lately and I’ve wanted to practice with these cards more 🙂 This deck just grows and grows on me!

Today I drew: Coins – Mountain Road – Gong – Staff

Coins: Money will be coming to you  (!! hip hip!!)

Mountain Road: You are on the road to success

Gong: An exciting event

Staff: You will be taken care of in difficult times

Well, that’s pretty exciting, and pretty self explanatory!


I keep getting hints in all my readings that something major is about to happen. It could be about a few different things, or maybe none of them at all…..maybe I’ll win the lottery after all


              A girl has gotta dream ! lol

Tea Leaf Reading

I have been off grid recently. The move into the new house (which is lovely) doesn’t have any air conditioning, and the heat wave knocked me for a loop for awhile. It’s cooler today so thought I’d post 😀

Door – Quill – Moon – Unicorn

Very nice!  New opportunities await me. Back to basics (?) Changes in my life. Use my intuition to make beneficial changes.

Interesting. To be honest, I’ve gotten SO back to basics, that I’m a freaking modern day pioneer woman! lol can’t get too much more back to basics than making your own cleaning supplies and laundry detergent! Sigh. I know that’s not what the card Quill is referring to, but still…

The Moon card, coming from my tarot training and lenormand training, also has to do with all things psychic or creative, and don’t forget emotions!

I’ve got to say, that I feel it in my bones that a new chapter of my life is getting ready begin, but I have no idea what that might look like right now.

Something just hit me as I looked at these cards, especially the Quill. “Back to basics” : I’ve been getting very strongly that I need to get back to the discipline of meditating daily. When I did in the past, I had incredible experiences and my life was magical. I can’t say that about my life at the moment!

Combining that  idea with the Moon and Unicorn cards, maybe they really are talking about psychic practices, and that by getting back to the basics of meditating, there will be changes energetically for me.

I know that all sounds ‘woo woo’, but it feels right. Now I’ve just got to stop thinking (literally!) about meditating, and actually DO it! lol

On a more mundane level, maybe by following my intuition, and getting back to creative basics (like writing/drawing etc) that some door will open…(?) I’m not really sure.

At any rate, it’s a good reading 😀 which I will embrace.

mini update: I have just begun meditating again, and feel better for it. I’ve also taken up a form of meditative doodling called “Zentangle”. (Google the term to discover more). It’s a type of drawing that puts you in a meditative state – it’s very calming and a good stress buster. I’ve committed to doing a few Zentangles each day, and I’m enjoying it. I bring this up, because of the Quill card – getting back to basics and literally the Pen, and the Moon/Unicorn cards of a psychic and creative nature; these 3 cards could definitely refer to the practice of Zentangling! lol go figure!

It’s soothing and addictive 🙂

You can click on the picture to enlarge 🙂

Check out this link to learn more ( http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-zentangle )

Check out this link for lots of patterns ( http://tanglepatterns.com/)

Weekly Tea Leaf Card Reading

I drew these the other day….they look positive 🙂 I apologize for the quality of the photo, it was taken hastily on my camera phone.

A Wishbone is a wish granted.

Small Child is the birth or conception of a child or a new enterprise. I would also link this card to the Lenormand card, ‘Child’ which could relate to something small, or an offer/proposal, something new…

Bell is an announcement.

A Kite means vacation. (Also, what about flying ‘high as a kite’? meaning excitements and joy?)

Sooooo, possibly there is going to be an announcement about a new project (we’ve been trying to get one or two off the ground..) – this would be a wish come true, and I’d be flying high as a kite!! LOL

Or, the new enterprise happening, would also mean that money we’ve waited for has arrived to begin that project, and which in turn would mean I would get a break/vacation.

My greatest wish is for the long, drawn out legal battle that has plagued my family finally comes to an end. Maybe there is an announcement of an offer coming….and if that were the case, there would definitely be a vacation that would follow such an announcement. It would be visit the relatives time, have some fun and celebrate time, be as happy as flying a kite time 😀  10 years is an incredible long time to do battle.

I will update –

Update : Well, unfortunately, I haven’t had anything happen as of yet with this drawing. There have been some other developments in my life, that maybe just maybe this will refer to….fingers crossed.

My 20 year old daughter finished her 2nd year of University with straight ‘A’s. She’s one bright cookie when it comes to school! She flowed the energy and got a wonderful furnished apartment and a great roommate, and settled in to work during the summer inbetween semesters. All looked really promising..

Then her best friend from high school came out to visit from the East Coast and next thing we know, she’s announced that she’s quitting school for a year and giving up her apt. and moving back East to do ‘whatever’ with her old friend! My heart literally broke – if anyone should stay the course and get their degree, it’s this girl! I have tried to support the idea of a year off, but wanted her to stay in the new life she’s created, rather than ditching everything and going back to the ‘Past’. It seems the friend has too great an influence and I’m sad and angry.

I can only hope that my wish is granted (wishbone) and the child makes an announcement (bell) that I’m happy and excited about (kite). How I pray for a different outcome than the course she’s on!

I will update the update!

A busy, frantic time!

Hope those in Canada had a wonderful time yesterday…Happy Canada Day 🙂 Being an American who’s become a Canadian citizen, I get to enjoy a week of festivities every July! lol

I’ve been absent from blogging due to moving house over the last 2 weeks. We are happy to be ensconced in a lake house for the next 6 months…oh the peace….

My cards showed the move a month or two before we knew we’d have to vacate the other condo!

I wanted to share a series of draws that I’ve had over the time we moved, starting with:

I am the woman, and what surrounds me is the scythe and mice. This could have indicated stressful decisions (which during the move there definitely were) but I was fascinated to discover that it can also mean ‘breaking down’.

I’m a very steady, emotionally solid person 99.9% of the time – I’ve been through trials that would break a lot of people, and didn’t me. During this move though, there was an altercation between my mate and I that set me back to the Stone Age. I didn’t know which way was up! I had been working my butt off to clean the condo that we’d vacated  and was exhausted, only to return to someone who was bent on picking a fight. You know the kind, no matter what you do or say, it’s not going to matter?

It went so far, that I completely lost it and wept on a bed for hours and hours. We didn’t talk for 24 hours, and the next day, he was conciliatory.

So Scythe/Mice described what happened to me perfectly, although I never would have guessed it prior to it happening. I hope you never find yourself with that card combination meaning this! because it’s awful!…..’stressful decisions’ I would have much preferred for a meaning!

A day later, after efforts to bring back normalcy, my husband drew these 3 cards as part of bigger spread:

The Sun and Storks hints at positive improvements. The Birds can represent a couple.

The combinations of Storks/Birds can mean progress in a relationship or improved intimacy.

I was very relieved to see these cards! We were feeling much closer and healing our rift by this point, and it was just darn nice to see in his cards that he was feeling better too.

Stress is a real killer!