Sibilla Originale – La Lettera+Leggerezza+Il Ladro

I had a drawing yesterday with the Sibilla, that intrigued me. I continually get ‘Il Ladro’ (the thief) to represent the ‘Spiritual Guru’ woman who lost the court case to my husband. She has been ordered to pay a hefty settlement & has avoided doing so. She is shortly due to go back before the same judge for contempt….  here is what I drew:


La Lettera is either news, or message, or papers; it could even mean an offer or proposal.

So I knew that there could be news or an offer coming from the ‘Thief’; but what of La Leggerezza? (The Butterfly)

La Legerezza represents something that is fleeting, that doesn’t stay constant, moving from one thing to another. It also represents insufficient seriousness and here’s the crux:

I believe that La Lettera and La Leggerezza combined denote a “not serious” offer, in other words, a frivolous offer from Il Ladro (thief).

I have warned my husband to be prepared for a silly offer from her, as she tries to avoid the judge- I know right now, that my husband has no intention of giving her a discount for her outrageous behavior! I’ll update-

Sibilla Originale – Domestico+La Nemica+La Lettera

11C[2]  12S[2] 2D[2]

I have had a series of draws, that I’ve posted here, showing what I believe to be the “Enemy Woman” being served with court papers. I drew these this morning, and can’t help but think that these 3 are saying the same.

Domestico, one who serves! then La Nemica (evil one) and La Lettera, papers!

They’ve had trouble catching her, but I think they will eventually get her before the court date next Thursday. I can’t wait for next week to come and go, so we finally know what is going to happen with this court settlement! then my cards will start to reflect other things….and I know you’ll be grateful too! lol


Sibilla Originale: Prigione – Morte – Conversazione


Prigione has to do with feeling trapped in a situation; sometimes it literally means a jail.

Morte (death) is similar to the Death card in the Tarot, and the Coffin card in the Lenormand. It brings endings or major changes to a situation.

What’s interesting is that this is connected to a Conversation! So there is a major, life changing conversation or news coming from another, that breaks us out of our prison-like existence.

Actually, Conversazione also denotes abundance and festivities. It’s a very positive card for economic well being. So again, there is major change from being stuck, to something happy and abundant. My husband and I are so ready to break those heavy chains in the Prigione!!