Sibilla della Zingara~

Early yesterday morning, these cards were drawn. By early evening, I not only understood them more fully, but the meaning had come to pass.

Belvedere, similar to Sospiri, shows a woman who is looking out to the distance, waiting for something. Unlike Sospiri, Belvedere speaks of something coming that the querent will appreciate. It is coming…

Now Domestico is interesting. You see a man-servant opening a door for you to get out of the carriage. He is the supportive, helpful one, who aids you in some way. He is someone close to the family, part of the circle but not a relative. I see Domestico often as either aid or help from somebody, or that there is about to be movement/progress to a situation as the door is opening.

Mercante can represent the one who deals with big finances ie, the trader, the banker, wealthy person etc. It can also represent ‘receiving the goods’ rather than being a person, or it could be a financial institution!

In this case, my sense of it was that it represented our financial trader friend. He is the Mercante in the Sibilla, and the Dog in the Lenormand! (someone we trust and is loyal)-

We were very surprised to find that by afternoon, he had arranged for a sum of money to be transferred into our business account. Enough to get some business done!

By evening, my husband and I were feeling much better as some of the pressure was lifted, and we definitely were appreciating our friend. He had come through!

So remember, Belvedere has a bit more positive twist to it than Sospiri!

Gran Signore – Belvedere – Consolante Sorpresa

Gran Signore – Belvedere – Consolante Sorpresa
I’ve been drawing the Gran Signore almost every day! lol it is the card of my husband, who is also a King of Hearts.

Belvedere is a nice card to see- as it says that there is something coming in which to appreciate. It is not the card of wishful expectation and longing, such as ‘Sospiri’, but of something definitely on it’s way!

The final card shows what’s on that horizon 🙂 Consolante Sorpresa, which is a card of financial increases and rewards.

So very ready for this, and nice to see that the cards are reaffirming it. They are certainly correct for all the ‘not-so-nice’ predictions!! lol

Sibilla della Zingara gave me the ‘heads up’…

The majority of times, the card Militare will refer to someone who works in a uniform; like a police officer, a fireman, a grocery worker or a nurse! lol it often comes up as a lawyer as well.

But another meaning comes to mind, rather than the describing of a person.

The card may make reference to a difficult period for the consultant, fraught with obstacles of various kinds, but that may be overcome by gritting the teeth, they must appeal to their own considerable inner strength in the presence of this card.
In love it makes reference to a period of conflict and things hidden to the companion.

And here is what I immediately thought that the card meant this time.

Following Militare, is Imeneo which translates to ‘marriage’. Often this has to do with meetings & agreements,or the fulfillment of plans in the life of the consultant; but for me,at this moment, it’s the basic meaning.

Seeing the Casa following Imeneo, led me to believe that this was more personal and intimate than just meetings & agreements.

The cards this morning were telling me that I was going to go through a bit more discomfort where my relationship is concerned, and that I have to rely on my inner strength and grit my teeth!

AND…by afternoon, that was exactly the advice I needed to keep from getting into a major heated argument with my husband. I just kept remembering to stay strong, and not to get defensive – it was very dificult! One’s knee-jerk reaction is to retort when you’re feeling attacked, but I was determined to stay in listening mode as much as I could.

Another way these 3 cards could have been cold read, was that the Militare was a person who wears some kind of uniform, it’s usually a young man. This brought to mind my eldest son, who lives back in the states, and is the assistant manager in a grocery store 🙂 lol  Had I known better, I could have deduced that maybe he was going to get married! or that something important around his home was about to be realized.

We’ll see, there could be a second layer to this draw!

Actually, the 3rd layer would be the advice to “stay strong’ in the midst of challenges, because you are about to realize some of your plans concerning the family or home!

Sibilla: Consolante Sorpresa – Bambino – Mercante


I am still unable to write about legal matters at the moment, so I will share one of my readings that don’t reflect that subject!

Consolante Sorpresa is the financial gain that comes in an easy way. It’s the unexpected money, like a lottery win or a gift. It’s the money that is earned in an indirect way.

The Bambino shows that we are about to be offered some of this money, or new projects that are started from this money. The Bambino brings bright future prospects, and again financially, can be seen as lucky money.

The Mercante is the financial man, the trader, the banker. In our case, he usually refers to the financial trader gent, who we are doing business with.

This trio is showing that the money comes in, and that we are benefitting from it as well thanks to his generosity.

After many false starts, it looks like this is about to materialize.

Cards with the same message-

Ace of Spadesaceofdiamondsist2_6961566-queen-of-clubs-two-playing-card

*An unpleasant or worrisome message being given to the Queen of Clubs.


A person of the court, an official, being sneaky with the Enemy woman!

In other words….. the Process Server pulling a sneaky stunt to serve court papers on the Bad Woman!

30 Court person8 False person7  Pleasing Letter

Again, a Court person (and this time literally) using deceptive means, or tricks, to serve documents!


The Thief card comes up regularly to denote the nasty woman that my husband is legally fighting. In this draw, it shows her finally receiving the news, or the documents that defeats her. I am pretty sure that these cards, also, are showing that she finally gets served. The Judge has demanded her presence in Court, mid-July. She has done everything she possibly can, to avoid being served. She knows that if she goes before the Judge now, he’ll send her to jail for contempt! The end is near, and I know that the process server was going to attempt again, over the July 4th weekend to catch her, and serve her the papers.

These are only a few of the draws in the last few days that show the same theme. I’m convinced that woman will, or has been served. Hopefully we’ll have news of this on Monday or Tuesday.

Isn’t it fascinating how the different decks can show the same theme? It helps to confirm to me that the cards speak clearly…no matter what kind of deck you choose.

Sibilla: Dottore – Imeneo – La Nemica


The Dottore card can represent aid coming from the outside, just in the nick of time, during a time of great difficulty.

Imeneo has the meaning of  the fulfillment of an important plan in the life of a person. It marks an important chapter. It can also have the meaning of important pacts, alliances, or agreements being made.

La Nemica, for my husband and I, refers to the “enemy woman” that we’ve been embattled with for too many years legally.

I took these 3 cards to mean, that just when you think it can’t get any worse, something changes in the nick of time. There is an agreement made with the enemy.

We are in that spot, and would be glad to see the end of it now. It’s taken a toll.  Too many readings are hinting that the end draws near. I certainly hope they are telling the truth!

Sibilla cards: Gran Consolazione-Riunione-La Nemica


When I draw the “La Nemica” card, I know that the draw has to do with our literal enemy: the cult woman/con. She is everything the Nemica stands for, and more. There is much I haven’t shared about this woman, I consider her ‘evil’.

The other 2 cards are very auspicious! especially together!

The Gran Consolazione speaks of a great change financially, coming. It is the reward of hard work and great effort.

Next to it is the Riunione card. This is an extremely positive card, and if there have been any problems, they are about to come to an end.  If there have been any disputes or legal problems, there are unexpected and rapid solutions. There are reconciliations with this card…matters are settled and peace returns.

I can only surmise that there is a quick turn around in this legal matter, and a settlement being made.

This is a theme that repeats itself with all the different decks. She is being cornered by the courts, and really doesn’t have any other choice; either settle or go to jail. I am pretty confident with my readings that she is about to finally settle.

6/7 years of fighting and proving the case, just might be about to end.

Sibilla draw: Gran Consolazione – Amore – Mercante


Ironically, my lenormand draw today was also talking about our financial trader friend/business partner. The Mercante is the Financial One; the trader, the banker etc. someone who moves around great sums of money.

Here, it shows that he is indeed getting the big deal, the big win, the big pot of gold! lol (Gran Consolazione).

The Amore card describes the man (Mercante); full of passion! ready to roll. Amore also describes excessive involvement..he is passionate about his work, sometimes on the phone to Dubai at 3 in the morning! Work goes on at all hours.

So both draws seem to be pointing to monetary success for “D” which will directly affect us as well. Happy to see it 🙂

Domestico – Consolante Sorpresa – Denari


I have been drawing the card Domestico quite alot recently, and started to wonder if I understood it correctly.

I went on an exploration of the card, and came up with these thoughts:

an adviser, a collaborator assistant, a  close friend; he is also the general servant and can be considered one who is weak in character, a subdued person, someone who feels impotent to change things.

My leanings are towards the adviser, collaborative assistant, or close friend, but who knows- looking at the card, I could almost see my husband, feeling unable to change things, and feeling beaten into a role he normally doesn’t don. BUT! he is opening the door for the arrival of something! and that is:

Consolante Sorpresa again, refers to the arrival of ‘win’ money, easy gain, or unexpected gain. It’s the card of unexpected Recovery, or a gift.

Denari is associated with financial success, gains and renewal which can be somehow connected to the past.

Again, another draw, really trying to reassure me that the money is coming from the past issue…the Domestico might be the lawyer, or from the one who was once a collaborative assistant. It doesn’t matter!! lol I’ll take the last 2 cards at any rate!

Sibilla~ Sacerdote – Militare – Consolante Sorpresa


Sacerdote is the authority figure. It represents the supreme power, the authority, the justice, the law. It can mean a magistrate, a lawyer but also a higher authority.

Militare has the meaning of “to support”. It can be the physical representation of someone who wears a uniform, such as a policemen, a fireman etc. or it can mean the act of support. I’ve also read that it can mean being physically forced.

Combining these two, I think it is showing that there will be a ruling from the Court, in my husband’s legal matter; showing support for him, but also, because of the next card in the draw, the court enforcing payment.

Consolante Sorpresa is the arrival of “win” money, in an unexpected way. It’s the lottery win, the  inheritance, the legal win! It also has the connotation of the arrival of more than was hoped for…

So this is a very intriguing draw, for me at the moment- The Court is ruling in favor (in support) of payment. They will uphold the judge’s decision.

This is all brewing up now….and I think will change in a flash after years of embattlement.

I will update of course; maybe we will be hearing something shortly-